Micro-mindfulness Exercises


Instructions: A teacher functions as a mediator of the message. The students are given a couple of minutes to concentrate on their breathing and thoughts. After this simple mindfulness technique, the teacher can continue with the lesson according to the lesson plan. 
Sit nicely, breathe deeply, and forget about the surrounding world. You are now deep in your mind, realizing every thought. Think about joy. What does it mean to you? When did you experience joy? As you close your eyes, picture joy. Use your imagination, what is "joy" to you? Say to yourself that you are joyful. I am joyful. Feel relaxed, breathe in. I am joyful. Breathe out. I am joyful. Now, very slowly open your eyes and breath in. Smile and enjoy the moment. 

Mindfulness calendar: daily five-minute activities

The activities within the calendar will take approximately five minutes and can be done at home or in school, with individuals, small groups or whole classes. Tutorial provided by Anna Freud, National Centre for Children and Families.

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